Teaching experience
Undergraduate and Graduate Mathematics and Data Science Courses
Modeling and Data Analysis, WPI, Spring '20, '21, '22, '23 (developed new course)
Data Analytics and Statistical Learning, Spring '23
Machine Learning for Engineering and Science Applications (DS595), WPI, Fall '22
Optimization for Deep Learning and Machine Learning (DS595/MA590) WPI, Fall '20, '21, Â (developed new course)
Linear Programming, WPI, (MA3231) Fall '20, '21
Statistical Methods for Data Science (DS502/MA543), WPI, Fall '19, '23
Probability & Statistics for Engineers (MAT2377), Univ. of Ottawa, Winter '17
K-12 Outreach Activities
Lead interactive mathematics exhibit at the TouchTomorrow STEM Festival for K-12 Students from the Worcester region (Exhibit name: Vertices, Edges, and Faces of Polyhedra), Spring 2022
Summer research project advisor for Mass Academy high school student (Summer 2022)
Instructor, MITxplore weekly Mathematics enrichment class for disadvantaged youth, Spring+Fall 2013, Spring+Fall 2014, Spring 2015