Oren Mangoubi

Assistant Professor

Mathematical Sciences

Data Science

Computer Science

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Email: omangoubi@wpi.edu  

Office:  UH 385

I am an assistant professor at WPI in Mathematical Sciences and Data Science, with a collaborative appointment in Computer Science.

I design and analyze optimization and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithms, with provable runtime, robustness, and privacy guarantees for applications in Machine Learning,  Data Science, and Statistics.  In doing so, I aim to introduce new mathematical tools from physics and geometry to the design and analysis of optimization and sampling algorithms used in ML.  My group’s research has been supported in part by an NSF CISE/CRII award and by a Google Research Scholar Award.

In 2016 I received my PhD in Applied Mathematics at MIT,  advised by Alan Edelman (MIT Mathematics department) and also working with Natesh Pillai (Harvard Statistics department).  From 2017-2019 I was a postdoctoral researcher in Computer Science at EPFL, working with Nisheeth Vishnoi (Yale, previously at EPFL).   From 2016-2017 I was a CANSSI postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa Mathematics and Statistics department working with Aaron Smith.  In 2011 I received my B.S. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering from Yale.

Research Group

PhD Students

Masters Students

Undergraduate Summer Research Students

Undergraduate MQP (senior project & thesis) Students

See here (28 students)


Undergraduate and Graduate Mathematics and Data Science Courses

K-12 Mathematics education